(photo courtesy of http://www.shayari.in/shayari/lounge/12930-some-real-thoughts-life.html)
Voids of sorrow, despair pelted through the
astral oceans of dignity,
Transcends my scent of humility, blanketing
over the pasture of sensitivity within subconscious,
Guilt dispersed vigorously throughout,
perception of the proper alignment of thy judgment,
Concepts of sanity, sanctity &
temperament, all withdraw into a confinement of interlocking faith,
Symbolizing my failure to perceive, where
decision-making all crumbled down to smithereens.
As I tried to grasp the essence of
consciousness, inner confident slated down the slopes of envisioning,
Conjectures of silent discernment, tears
flowing down dry whilst evaporated from none,
Identities clashes by an inch of friction,
sparks of dissatisfaction dispersed throughout the walls of TRUST,
Crawling unnoticed, angst withered and
bloomed like uncontrollable seasons of change,
The black warrior in the brink of defeat,
slowly the fury of battle dims and nearly halted.
Trebled by shyness, the black warrior gloom
down under the moonlight resonance,
Reminiscing of his experience, chanting down
slowly his atonement of failures,
Not to just himself, but also acquaintances and
his brethren,
Of how he failed to endow his precious ones,
most dire was his endearment,
Commotion of emotions tangled within, by him
unable to intertwine the facts from the fiction.
Partially his immaturity to decide, whether
his struggle of illustrating his new self is precise,
As failure encompasses the trails of past
burdens, atonement of his sins of incompetence,
Blushed with the acknowledgement of not
surviving prior mission, the warrior brush aside his emotions,
Now hanging by an inch of critical composure,
assignment of inhumane values refilled his day,
With the question remains, should he defer
his inability to nurture or by continue with the flow of deceit.
He couldn’t stand the sight of injustice, be
it when the worlds are flipped against his will,
The smell of incomplete humility, shoved down
the nostrils like an empty wooden chimney under siege,
The words of apologizing, whether it’s on the
right terms or just when people are sentiment GUILT,
Confining into a crate of empty promises,
whilst being heaved to him during his moment of anticipation,
As blank promises filled up his day, the
remaining confidence aura went back to square one.
Concluding his suffering, living up his day
with silence and tear moist within his eyelids,
He shrugged on the failure of people who
refused to comprehend, nor himself who failed to deliver,
He wondered whether his day will arrive,
where everything goes without a hassle,
On how he could obtain the love of his
endearment, or whether success looms on his barefoot,
As the silent despair that he had over the
years, left unattended and unaided,
Crawling under the street lamp of dim future,
shackling his norm of positive believe.
<11.43 a.m., Wednesday 23rd
October 2012, UPSI library>